Please note: This website is NOT a business website.
or many years I have had the fortune and honour of being employed as a software engineer, be it a simple family website or a basic desktop utility to a full blown system for the Federal Goventment, I have done it all!
"Basically a Music listening, Fast Car driving, Video Game playing, Sci-Fi watching, Gold Prospecting, Anime loving Geek!"
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - the greatest city in the world!
developed an IBM Domino server plugin that allowed its web stack to process internal documents using PHP over FastCGI
was a founding member and lead developer of a social media website that in its day, had more members than Facebook, was used more often than Google and had more video views than YouTube (yes, all 3 platforms existed at the time)
was once a developer for an Amiga demoscene group that were based in the netherlands
made a watch face called "S2Analog" for an open source watch named Watchy, which can be found on their official Watch Faces Gallery
won an industry award for some of my work
travelled internationally and have met several tech and entertainment celebrity through my work
wrote a windows application in Delphi that was used by hundreds of thousands of people monthly
With electronics
built a quad copter with auto pilot using nothing more than a breadboard, freescale demo board, an old Nintendo WII controller as a 3DOF sensor
designed and prototyped a 240volt power controller that you could physically aim at any device and it would monitor its temrature, once the device either dropped below or above a specified temprature it would turn on or off the power as required
In my life
watched my best friend die in a road accident
worked in the porn industry, yeah you read that right (was related to video streaming though! sorry! lol)
threw a 21st birthday party that lasted for days, I drank so much I gave up drinking for life!
bought my first house at the age of 25, a few years later I bought a houseboat that lived on Lake Eildon
designed a recruitment search engine that was considered so original it was promtly patented (2013904934)
was threatened with litigation by a law firm that represented the parties in my previous comment about the "recruitment search engine" on the 24th of December 2020 ( The Day before Christmas - shows true character! good work! luckily I was enjoying time away and was ovlivious to it >.< ) in regards to losses for a breach of a non-exsistant contact, my lawyer pointed that out, and that all work I had previously done was billable so they decided to drop the whole thing in the acknowledgement that I wouldnt tell anyone their secrets - The moral of the story: "If you offer to help someone out as a favour and they ask you to sign a contract in return, run!"
Unbeknownst to me, was once classified as intellectual property in a court case (not related to any previous statements), and a particular company and all of its employees were banned from communicating with me in any way, shape or form - I just thought none of them wanted to speak to me again :(
was able to explain to a non-developer how to modify (a.k.a hack) an executable file with a hex editor at a byte level to get around built in security (over the phone)
sold a near mint condition 1982 XE Fairmont Ghia (in to which I installed a 351 Cleverland that was built by a race mechanic who wanted to see what magic he could do with LPG) - for five hundred dollars
was interviewed by a radio program that was broadcast into schools across Australia for some kind of computers and technology hour
have been offered a number of teaching positions which I prompty turned down, I am a coder! not a teacher!
lost my drivers license on a number of occasion, now I know better! (or do I?)
smoked till about 9 years ago, woke up one morning and decided to stop, gave it up cold turkey and havent touched one since.
bought my very first mobile phone only 3 years ago (its a pixel pro 7)